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Thursday, June 28, 2012


Words, especially the written kind, can be twisted and turned into something that stings and cuts to the core.

It all depends on the viewers own life experiences and sensitivity levels as to how their power has over others. While the words we put down may have the very best of intentions, given with love or humor, it matters not when the receiver is in a frame of mind where they are already biased against the giver. Plus, if the receiver was raised without siblings or perhaps has worked in environments where teasing one another wasn't the norm, there has been no opportunity for developing a "thick skin".

So do we take responsibility for words that unintentionally hurt or offends a loved one or a loved one of a friend? All actions good or bad (yes, even unintentional) have a domino effect in our lives or the lives of others. So we do need to take responsibility for them. It's a live and learn kind of thing, and all we can do is hope and pray we are given the opportunity to make things right for the hurt we may have caused and the blessed opportunity to still have them in our lives.

Be weary of the innocent tease, even if it is in reply to another one. Many people can dish it, but there are those few that can't take it. If there is anything but good feelings towards the individual you are directing your comments or tease to, tread lightly. Sometimes a tease can be the supposed "non-stinging" way of delivering how we feel about someone, and sadly, without even knowing it ourselves.

Deliver only positive, uplifting comments towards others, especially to those that don't know you well. A sarcastic sense of humor used on someone that doesn't know you will almost always be taken wrong and put you in a bad light in the future. Reserve your humor for those that really do know you well, and I am talking about in person. Online teasing will almost always be taken the wrong way.

If you have offended another, even unintentionally, it may forever destroy any relationship you ever had with that person. Especially if they easily hold grudges, or have a history of not dealing with things because it is easier just to not face it and work to make it right, and if the relationship is mostly an online one, they can easily avoid the contact....making things worse as each day that passes.

Save your words, stop for a moment and think before typing or for that matter talking. Keep the friends you have and make new ones along the way. Keep your heart open to the love of others and your life will be filled with much joy. If you have offended another, take heart, if you have sincerely apologized and have not received forgiveness... then the weight of the matter lies with them and it is their loss for not having given you, their loved one, a second chance.

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